Glossary(19 / 66)

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  dirl, to vibrate, to ring.
  diz'n, dizzen, dozen.
  dochter, daughter.
  doited, muddled, doting; stupid, bewildered.
  donsie, vicious, bad-tempered; restive; testy.
  dool, wo, sorrow.
  doolfu', doleful, woful.
  dorty, pettish.
  douce, douse, sedate, sober, prudent.
  douce, doucely, dousely, sedately, prudently.
  doudl'd, dandled.
  dought (pret. of dow), could.
  douked, ducked.
  doup, the bottom.
  doup-skelper, bottom-smacker.
  dour-doure, stubborn, obstinate; cutting.
  dow, dowe, am (is or are) able, can.
  dow, a dove.
  dowf, dowff, dull.
  dowie, drooping, mournful.
  dowilie, drooping.
  downa, can not.
  downa-do (can not do), lack of power.
  doylt, stupid, stupefied.
  doytin, doddering.,
  dozen'd, torpid.
  dozin, torpid.
  draigl't, draggled.
  drant, prosing.
  drap, drop. ↑返回顶部↑
