Glossary(18 / 66)

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  daud, to pelt.
  daunder, saunter.
  daunton, to daunt.
  daur, dare.
  daurna, dare not.
  daur't, dared.
  daut, dawte, to fondle.
  daviely, spiritless.
  daw, to dawn.
  dawds, lumps.
  dawtingly, prettily, caressingly.
  dead, death.
  dead-sweer, extremely reluctant.
  deave, to deafen.
  deil, devil.
  deil-haet, nothing (devil have it).
  deil-ma-care, devil may care.
  deleeret, delirious, mad.
  delvin, digging.
  dern'd, hid.
  descrive, to describe.
  deuk, duck.
  devel, a stunning blow.
  diddle, to move quickly.
  dight, to wipe.
  dight, winnowed, sifted.
  din, dun, muddy of complexion.
  ding, to beat, to surpass.
  dink, trim.
  dinna, do not. ↑返回顶部↑
