Glossary(8 / 66)

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  bodkin, tailor's needle.
  body, bodie, a person.
  boggie, dim. of bog.
  bogle, a bogie, a hobgoblin.
  bole, a hole, or small recess in the wall.
  bonie, bonnie, pretty, beautiful.
  bonilie, prettily.
  bonnock, v. bannock.
  'boon, above.
  boord, board, surface.
  boord-en', board-end.
  boortress, elders.
  boost, must needs.
  boot, payment to the bargain.
  bore, a chink, recess.
  botch, an angry tumor.
  bouk, a human trunk; bulk.
  bountith, bounty.
  'bout, about.
  bow-hough'd, bandy-thighed.
  bow-kail, cabbage.
  bow't, bent.
  brachens, ferns.
  brae, the slope of a hill.
  braid, broad.
  broad-claith, broad-cloth.
  braik, a harrow.
  braing't, plunged.
  brak, broke.
  brak's, broke his. ↑返回顶部↑
