Glossary(6 / 66)

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  bien, bienly, comfortably.
  big, to build.
  biggin, building.
  bike, v. byke.
  bill, the bull.
  billie, fellow, comrade, brother.
  bings, heaps.
  birdie, dim. of bird; also maidens.
  birk, the birch.
  birken, birchen.
  birkie, a fellow.
  birr, force, vigor.
  birring, whirring.
  birses, bristles.
  birth, berth.
  bit, small (e.g., bit lassie).
  bit, nick of time.
  bitch-fou, completely drunk.
  bizz, a flurry.
  bizz, buzz.
  bizzard, the buzzard.
  bizzie, busy.
  black-bonnet, the presbyterian elder.
  black-nebbit, black-beaked.
  blad, v. blaud.
  blae, blue, livid.
  blastet, blastit, blasted.
  blastie, a blasted (i.e., damned) creature; a little wretch.
  blate, modest, bashful.
  blather, bladder. ↑返回顶部↑
