Glossary(36 / 66)
kintra, country.
kirk, church.
kirn, a churn.
kirn, harvest home.
kirsen, to christen.
kist, chest, counter.
kitchen, to relish.
kittle, difficult, ticklish, delicate, fickle.
kittle, to tickle.
kittlin, kitten.
kiutlin, cuddling.
knaggie, knobby.
knappin-hammers, hammers for breaking stones.
knowe, knoll.
knurl, knurlin, dwarf.
kye, cows.
kytes, bellies.
kythe, to show.
laddie, dim. of lad.
lade, a load.
lag, backward.
laggen, the bottom angle of a wooden dish.
laigh, low.
laik, lack.
lair, lore, learning.
laird, landowner.
lairing, sticking or sinking in moss or mud.
laith, loath.
laithfu', loathful, sheepish.
lallan, lowland. ↑返回顶部↑
kirk, church.
kirn, a churn.
kirn, harvest home.
kirsen, to christen.
kist, chest, counter.
kitchen, to relish.
kittle, difficult, ticklish, delicate, fickle.
kittle, to tickle.
kittlin, kitten.
kiutlin, cuddling.
knaggie, knobby.
knappin-hammers, hammers for breaking stones.
knowe, knoll.
knurl, knurlin, dwarf.
kye, cows.
kytes, bellies.
kythe, to show.
laddie, dim. of lad.
lade, a load.
lag, backward.
laggen, the bottom angle of a wooden dish.
laigh, low.
laik, lack.
lair, lore, learning.
laird, landowner.
lairing, sticking or sinking in moss or mud.
laith, loath.
laithfu', loathful, sheepish.
lallan, lowland. ↑返回顶部↑