Glossary(34 / 66)

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  ingle-cheek, fireside (properly the jamb of the fireplace).
  ingle-lowe, ingle-low, flame of the fire.
  i'se, i shall, or will.
  itsel', itself.
  ither, other, another.
  jad, a jade.
  janwar, january.
  jauk, to trifle, to dally.
  jauner, gabber.
  jauntie, dim. of jaunt.
  jaup, splash.
  jaw, talk, impudence.
  jaw, to throw, to dash.
  jeeg, to jog.
  jillet, a jilt.
  jimp, small, slender.
  jimply, neatly.
  jimps, stays.
  jink, the slip.
  jink, to frisk, to sport, to dodge.
  jinker, dodger (coquette); a jinker noble; a noble goer.
  jirkinet, bodice.
  jirt, a jerk.
  jiz, a wig.
  jo, a sweetheart.
  jocteleg, a clasp-knife.
  jouk, to duck, to cover, to dodge.
  jow, to jow, a verb which included both the swinging motion and
  sound of a large bell (r. b.). ↑返回顶部↑
