Glossary(26 / 66)
furm, a wooden form.
fusionless, pithless, sapless, tasteless,
fyke, fret.
fyke, to fuss; fidget.
fyle, to defile, to foul.
gab, the mouth.
gab, to talk.
gabs, talk.
gae, gave.
gae, to go.
gaed, went.
gaen, gone.
gaets, ways, manners.
gairs, gores.
gane, gone.
gang, to go.
gangrel, vagrant.
gar, to cause, to make, to compel.
garcock, the moorcock.
garten, garter.
gash, wise; self-complacent (implying prudence and prosperity);
gashing, talking, gabbing.
gat, got.
gate, way-road, manner.
gatty, enervated.
gaucie, v. gawsie.
gaud, a. goad.
gaudsman, goadsman, driver of the plough-team.
gau'n. gavin. ↑返回顶部↑
fusionless, pithless, sapless, tasteless,
fyke, fret.
fyke, to fuss; fidget.
fyle, to defile, to foul.
gab, the mouth.
gab, to talk.
gabs, talk.
gae, gave.
gae, to go.
gaed, went.
gaen, gone.
gaets, ways, manners.
gairs, gores.
gane, gone.
gang, to go.
gangrel, vagrant.
gar, to cause, to make, to compel.
garcock, the moorcock.
garten, garter.
gash, wise; self-complacent (implying prudence and prosperity);
gashing, talking, gabbing.
gat, got.
gate, way-road, manner.
gatty, enervated.
gaucie, v. gawsie.
gaud, a. goad.
gaudsman, goadsman, driver of the plough-team.
gau'n. gavin. ↑返回顶部↑