Glossary(11 / 66)

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  by, past, aside.
  by, beside.
  by himsel, beside himself.
  bye attour (i.e., by and attour), beside and at a distance.
  byke, a bees' nest; a hive; a swarm; a crowd.
  byre, a cow-house.
  ca', call, knock, drive.
  cadger, a hawker (especially of fish).
  cadie, caddie, a fellow.
  caff, chaff.
  caird, a tinker.
  calf-ward, grazing plot for calves (i.e., churchyard).
  callan, callant, a stripling.
  caller, cool, refreshing.
  callet, a trull.
  cam, came.
  canie, cannie, gentle, tractable, quiet, prudent, careful.
  cankrie, crabbed.
  canna, can not.
  canniest, quietest.
  cannilie, cannily, quietly, prudently, cautiously.
  cantie, cheerful, lively, jolly, merry.
  cantraip, magic, witching.
  cants, merry stories, canters or sprees or merry doings.
  cape-stanc, copestone.
  care na by, do not care.
  carl, carle, a man, an old man.
  carl-hemp, male-hemp.
  carlie, a manikin. ↑返回顶部↑
