01 恋爱与婚姻(5 / 11)

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  daisy: there's full of the happy scenes when we were together in my brain. i felt i had lost my heart to him and i can't find it.
  mary: take it easy. you have just lost a boy who doesn't deserve your love. daisy,everything will be ok.
  daisy: i just can't adjust to the single life now.
  mary: single life is wonderful! look at me,no sadness, no worry, and no pain. you'll enjoy it. i'll always be by your side.
  daisy: you are so kind, mary. you are my best friend forever.
  1. mentally [?ment?li] adv. 心理上,精神上;智力上
  2. separate [?sep?reit] v. 分开,脱离;分手,分散;隔离;adj. 分离的,独立的
  3. separate with sb. 同某人分开,同某人分手
  4. turn back 返回,转回去,折转
  5. scene [si:n] n. 场面,景象;(戏剧的)一场;(舞台)布景
  6. lose one's heart to 迷恋,倾心于
  7. deserve [di?z?:v] v. 应受赏(罚);应得,值得
  8. adjust [??d??st] v. 获得校准;适应于(to)
  9. by one's side 在某人身边,陪伴某人
  1. love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. when the lamp is off, you will find the shadow around you. friend is who can give you strength at last.
  2. love makes man grow up or sink down. which one do you choose if you are unlucky in love?
  3. don't forget the things once you owned. treasure the things you can't get. don't give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory.
  4. the number of activities you can now commit to without the time constraints of a relationship are endless. try finding a new hobby, such as travelling, surfing or taking hip-hop dance classes.
  没有了爱情,你的时间一下子自由了很多,你可以做很多你原来没有时间去做的事。找一个新的爱好,比如旅游、冲浪或者学跳街舞。 ↑返回顶部↑
